We are getting ready to head to the airport for our 429pm, United, First Class, flight to DC when we get a phone call. "This is United. Your flight is now leaving at 5pm".
"This is United. Your flight is now leaving at 620pm". Uh oh....with this delay, we would miss our connection to LGA that night, so Brett got on the phone with the airline. We got the option to hop on a 440pm flight to LGA via Dallas on American. Um, ok, sold. Let's go!
At the airport. !!! Kiosk check in at American not working.....get into the line that is moving at the pace of a snail. Yikes....watching the clock....bags must be checked by 30 minutes before departure. Oh good...plane now leaving at 450pm. We get to the desk at 415pm.
Patty: "I'm sorry, it's too late to check your bag for this flight."
AP: "Don't we have 30 minutes before to check bags?"
Patty: "Yes. Your flight leaves at 440pm, it's 415pm now."
AP: "But our flight is delayed until 450pm...can we still get it on? Please!!!"
Patty: "Oh! You're right! Yup....got the bags tagged. Do you have your original tickets from United?"
Oops!! We had no idea that we still had to check in at United before we could get our boarding passes for this flight......so, Brett ran over to that counter, and was able to sneak in and get us all straightened out. Phew.
We made it through security in just a few minutes....had enough time to get a snack, and our flight finally made it out of Austin a little bit after 5. It seemed like the longest flight ever to Dallas. When we arrived there, we went straight to the gate, and the gate attendant was the only person there....waiting for us....."Mr Bollman, Miss Price....we've been waiting for you.....". !!! We went straight to our seats, they closed the door, and we were off to NYC! Woohoo!!!
Landed in NY. Baggage claim. No bag for Brett. !!! Um....not good. Luckily, there was another flight arriving from Dallas in about 30 minutes, and someone at American miraculously thought to get his bag on that one. Unfortunately for our arranged driver, he had to wait around with us for about an hour, but we got into our nice black Escalade, and made our way to Virginia's apartment in Manhattan.
We get to Virginia's and we are ALL starved....so we head out, get our Metro Cards for the week, and grab some grub at one of her favorite all night Ukrainian diners in the East Village. Good food and great conversations at Veselka before getting some much needed rest for the weekend.
1 comment:
Told you your trip sounded like The Amazing Race. You're off to a good start!
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