Friday, August 15, 2008

Friday Night Date Night....and LOST OCEAN!!!

It's been another crazy week at work.....and a pretty relaxing few nights at home. It's kind of nice to have nothing to do sometimes. I think that I, and Molly, am getting a little too used to it. :)

So, after thinking that my Friday night was going to be another one at home, Kara and I decided at the last minute to catch a movie. We opted for Tropic Thunder. I'd seen the preview a few months back and was looking forward to it. Well, Kara LOVED it. There were bits that I laughed out loud at, but overall, I thought it was just OK. The last scene was probably my favorite....but I won't spoil that for anyone. Let's just say that a certain someone, someone that you wouldn't expect it from, can really shake it. You go TC! :)

And now I'm home....and enjoying a new band, LOST OCEAN. Brett sent me the link to their MySpace page, and I immediately liked what I had to hear. Not only that...but when I clicked on their pictures.....I was floored!!! The very first one is from an old abandoned train car outside of Salt Lake City! The same one that Lora and I made a trek out to find earlier this year when we were in Utah. Of course, I recognized it right away. So weird!! And then....I went through their live pics album....and they have pictures from when they played at Kilby Court - my favorite little, mostly unknown, music venue in SLC . Again, so cool. Now I just have to get Brett to convince them to come to Austin. :) Work your magic my friend!!

So, anyways, I've been enjoying their music for the last hour or so since I've been home. Go check them out and hope you enjoy their tunes too.

[I totally ganked the pictures from their MySpace that good enough for giving credit where it's due? I sure hope so because they were too good, and adorable, not to share some pics!] :)

[Edited to add: In chatting with Brett after this post.....I mentioned Jonathan Jones and We Shot the Moon. Lost Ocean knows JJ and played with him in San Diego. What a freaking small world!! JJ is actually the person in my Kilby pic above! Crazy! ]

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