So, it seems that all I've posted lately is the story sessions that I've been enjoying so much....but, in the meantime, I've been doing a few other things too! I thought that I'd update over the last week or so in one nice long post. :)
Ok....try to keep up! :)
Back on the 24th of November....Brett came into Austin, but you already knew that, because you saw his handsome mug on the pics from our
Top Notch outing. At this point, I already forgot if we did anything on Tuesday night...which is why I started this blog in the first place, so I could keep up with myself and remember in a few years what I did!
Anyways, we drove to Houston for the holiday on Wednesday late afternoon, and had dinner at Mi Luna in Rice Village with my parents. I always love that place, and load up on LOTS of garlic!! This time was no different. It was everyone else's first time, and I don't think that it disappointed. Brett and I stopped by to introduce Brett to Erika, and Taylor too, after dinner for a bit.

On Thanksgiving morning, Erika and her family came over to join the festivities. I got to do something that I'd wanted to for a while, and have a little photoshoot with my other sister, Erika. It was the perfect day for the shoot, as we scoped out and decided on grabbing a few shots at the shopping area across from my parents house. The parking garage would not have been empty on any other day of the year...but we lucked out, and got some fun shots!

We chowed down on all the yummy grub that my Mom, with the help of the kids, prepared for us. Note: smushed up cranberry sauce is NOT the same as when it comes straight out of the can in the jelly form. For everyone out there that might be tempted to do some smushing....don't, it's perfect as it is. :) The adults tired out the kids, or it might have been vice versa, after lunch with some fun in the cul-de-sac.
That night, Brett, my Mom and I played a myriad of games.....Scrabble, Yatzhee, some other word game, 24 and Progressive Gin. Almost all of them my Mom dominated, but Brett did prevail in the game 24. do not want him to lose when playing games. [Hee hee....]
All day on Friday we spent at the Renaissance Festival with my parents, and Erika, Terry and the kids. We made our way through the King's Maze.

Were kindly executed.....I promise it didn't hurt!!!

Brett and Erika showed off their archery skills....

Brett and I got all hopped up on sugar....

Terry won a kiss from Erika.....the girls did the bungee thing....Erika and Aedin knocked each other around a bit....and everyone got ice cream in the end.

Taylor and Rob came to meet us for pizza at Fuzzy's that night, and a game of Cranium at the house afterwards. Brett and I redeemed ourselves from our miserable performance in Austin last month and ended up winning! :) Woohoo!
Saturday morning we went to visit
Corey and her family for some pictures, and lunch. I always love to spend time with the Mermis family....Jake and Delaney are growing up so fast!! Um, please stop that! In the afternoon, we met up with the
Peschel family for their story session. I was SO incredibly thankful, once again, to have Brett with me...he's GREAT with the kids, and it is really awesome to have him there with me for the shoots. Thank you again honey! :)
We enjoyed Sunday morning at Lake Hills, and then met up with
Danielle and her family. Brett was awesome for this shoot too! Kids LOVE him!! :)
On Monday afternoon, I had a blast with
Tara and Paul for their shoot, and then, bright and early on Tuesday morning, Laura and I had to travel to Annapolis for a 2 day work meeting. We both, stupidly, stayed up WAY too late on Monday night, but couldn't sleep on the plane as we had a little bit of work to do before we got there. We went out with all the Practice Managers for a revolving dinner that night....some oysters, clam chowder, and all the best that the town has to offer.

We spent Thursday night with Renae and Jebby...Friday night we dined with Toni at Chuy's.....and Saturday night we had yummy sushi!

I had another family story session yesterday after church, and then came back to spend the remainder of my day with Brett before he headed back home. I dropped him off at the airport this morning at 6am for him to head back home to Santa Barbara. The time here in Austin with Brett here was felt like he wasn't ever not here, but then also not here long enough.
I have 10 days until I leave for the holiday break to go visit him, his family and friends in CA and NV....and I can't wait! So much to do in the time before I go.....more family sessions, a few girl Christmas nights, and at some point, I need to get in some Christmas shopping!!