Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Freedom Tour - Houston, TX

Whoa....my head is still spinning from how much greatness happened today. After a few morning conference calls, I headed towards where the Freedom Tour folks were staying, hopped right back on wireless there in the lobby, to be around if I could help with anything during the day.

Turns out that Shyla had a few errands to run, and so I offered to drive and go with her, not promising, however, to not get her a little lost in the meanwhile (man, one of these days I'm going to be able to get around Houston better than a blind mouse). With 2 iPhone maps, and a little help from the gas station attendant one street shy of where I was going, we managed to make it to SuperTarget for stop 1 - some basic necessities for the tour bus (think of what you need when you move into your first college apartment....yup, all those things were needed), and a ton of other fun stuff to be sure that the bus was going to be a livable spot for everyone over the next few weeks.

After dropping off the two completely full shopping carts of goodies at the bus, we were off driving more around Houston (yes, I managed to get us turned around AGAIN, and had to place numerous more phone calls to Lora for assistance) for some bedding, a fancy coffee machine, and then finally some nutrition before getting setup for the presentations that evening.

I have to tell you that I had the absolute best time with Shyla all day today running around - I am so thankful to have met and spent time with her today. She's a girl after my own heart....she is living her dream (photography), she's AMAZING at it, she upped and moved to Boston from CA after only being there one time (how many times have I said that I want to do something like that?), loves music, and is just an all around easy going and super person. I WILL be taking her up on the offer to visit her in Boston later this year, once she's back and all settled from the tour.

So....tonight. I am not very good at expressing myself in words....that is Jasmine's forte.....but tonight was phenomenal. DJ and Jasmine wow-ed every single person in the room. I felt like at times they were speaking directly to me, and I'm going to take every word to heart, and start doing what I can to get myself going in a direction that will make me the happy person that I want to be. It's scary as all get out, will take time, and a LOT of hard work.....but nothing worth it is easy.

The last two days have been so special to me. I made, what I feel, will be lifelong friends. I want to thank every single person that I met for being a motivation and inspiration to me.

(P.S. I really have to figure out how to make the pictures bigger on this thing....the little preview is driving me crazy!) **EDITED TO ADD: Yay, I did it!!**:)


Brett Bollman said...

I seriously don't know what we would have done without your help! We all owe you big time! You're fantastic!

Sarah Shalley said...

For some reason, we didn't introduce ourselves to one another. I'm Sarah. I would love to have chatted with you the other night! Maybe now we can be bloggin' friends.

I can help you set up your BIG blog images.


Jasmine said...

LOVE YOU!!!! I hope all is well and every step is taking you closer to living your life behind your camera! :)