Julie tagged me with this tag game - I am to list seven random things about me and then tag seven other people. Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you and leave a comment on their blog, so that their readers can visit yours. Her name is linked above.
2. Post the rules on your blog (I follow the rules, I can't help it, so I'm posting the rules).
3. Share 7 Random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 random people at the bottom of your post, linking to their blog. Let each person know by leaving a comment on their blog. (if you don't know 7
bloggers, just tag who you know)
I'm definitely not as funny, or interesting as
Mimi (man, that girl really cracks me up), but here goes nothing.
1. I love the number 7. I love that this game has us listing 7 things. I probably would not have played along if it has been 4, 5, or 6. But since it's 7, I'll go along with the fun. I also love 11, but that is because it's an odd number, and also happens to be prime. I don't know where my obsession with odd numbers came from, but I do love them. For instance, I cannot have my car temperature on anything but an odd number. If someone is in my car and adjusts the dial to, let's say, 68, then I have to move it to either 67 or 69. People that know this about me, try to mess with me, but I prevail....it is my car after all.
2. When I was little, I really wanted to be a musical actress. I would go see musicals and come home and think how fantastic it would be to play the young Collette in Les Miserables. I would get the piano book, and sit there for hours playing and singing the music on my piano. I cannot sing that great, nor dance in the musical style...but little girls have dreams.....dreams that never come true. Even big girls....big girls that go to see RENT....have dreams that won't ever come true. I still see musicals, then come home and think of what it would be like to play Maureen. It's not really my "dream" anymore......but I do perform the entire show in my car on
roadtrips....when I'm alone, thank you very much. Makes that 2.5 hour drive to Houston a breeze! "Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand, Six Hundred Minutes.....How Do You Measure,
A Year In The Life......How about LOOOOOOVVVVEEEEE?".
3. I am trying to find something that will scare me - that sounds weird, but I'll explain. In the last year or so, I've pushed myself to do things that I might not have normally done. Well, maybe I just didn't put myself in the situations to where I get to do fun things, but still. From as little (and silly) as trying sushi for the first time - I've been to plenty of sushi restaurants before and always ordered the chicken
teriyaki....BUT, when I was in Santa Barbara - I said "Why not?", and finally tried it. What do you know, it wasn't half bad! I've now had it 3 times and cannot wait to go back. I love trying new things. I've gone white water rafting,
ziplining, 4 wheeling, snowboarding, snowmobiling, trapezing......and while they were ALL a BLAST, none of them were scary to me. I want to find something that will give me that feeling that the people do on The Amazing Race when they get to a really hard task. Now, I don't want to eat bugs or anything....but just find something that will challenge me and make me a little fearful. Is there anywhere to bungee jump (over water - I'm not stupid) in Austin??? :)
4. I kind of want to get another animal, but I am really happy with the relationship (yes, I said it, my RELATIONSHIP) that I have with Molly and don't want to screw that up. She is so much fun, she talks to me, keeps me company to where it doesn't feel like I live alone, she sits in my lap when I'm at the computer and keeps my legs warm, she lays next to, or on top of, me when I watch TV, etc. Seriously, she's wonderful. I would LOVE to have a dog, but I'm not home that much, and it's so much responsibility to train a dog. I would also LOVE to have another cat, but I think Molly would hate that, and I really don't want to piss her off. So, looks like it's just me and Molly. Phew - glad I made that decision.
5. Bad water pressure can put me in a bad mood. Seriously, there is nothing worse than taking a shower and having to run around in it to try to get wet! And have you SEEN how much hair I have? It takes me 7 minutes in a good shower to wash and condition......it really blows when the water pressure sucks. Oh, and on that same note....I love hard water.....and when water is too soft, that isn't very fun either. (For those of you that are wondering - I took my first shower at the new place - and it passed the test. It will be even better once I get my own shower head
uninstalled from my apt and bring it here!)
6. There is a really weird noise happening at my condo, and I have NO idea what it is. It's like when you are in the car, and you hear a noise, and you're not sure if it's coming from the glove box, or the tires, or your dangling keys - but it drives you crazy. Well, I have one of those. It sounds like it is coming from the microwave, or the ice maker in the freezer. I'm sure I'll figure it out soon, and hope that it doesn't keep me up at night.
7. I have 7 pillows on my bed when I sleep at night....and 2 on the floor. I have a large body pillow that has one pillow case on it that is across the top, and on the bottom of the pile. Then I have 2 regular sized ones on the next layer......2 more goose ones on the 3rd layer....and then 2 king sized pillows that lay on either side of me when I sleep. I toss and turn a lot during the night, and I like to keep a pillow between my legs. So, instead of tossing so violently that I bring the pillow with me, I just turn over....and there is one waiting for me. :) The 2 on the floor are those weird European square ones that I just can't seem to figure out what to do with, so they just kind of always stay on the floor.
Well, that was a lot easier than I thought. I know I'm kind of long winded, but for those of you that made it to the end.....I am tagging
Brett and
Just one last thing that I thought I'd point out...I now have 60 blogs in my Google Reader (which I LOVE btw) and only about 10 of them are people I know in real life. I'm such a dork. Most of them are photographers that I would totally stop if I ever saw them in person, but unless they'd ever clicked on my name in any of their comments, and checked out my blog, they have NO idea who I am. Yeah, I'm a dork.....but that's OK. I like me. :)