Subject: Trapeze Anyone???
This is something that I wanted to do last year, but I didn’t have enough time to make it happen. It starts up on March 1st, and since my weekends are pretty much booked up in the coming weeks, I was thinking that I’ll go to a Wednesday night, 7-9pm one, maybe March 12th. So, who’s with me?
I was SOOOOO pumped when I got 4 takers!! Woohoo!! So, we called, got ourselves booked, and waited......and waited. I think we might have talked about it a FEW times since then, about how excited we were.....the anticipation building up until today was painstaking!!

I think we were all a little bit nervous, or at least anxious, to see what this was going to be about. This was something new for all of us, none of us had "flown" before. We got up to the trapeze structure before anyone else was was really pretty amazing, and to think that we'd be flying from it not too much later, was so neat!

Our instructors showed up, and made us feel a little bit more at ease immediately, they were all SO nice. Adam, Jay-Bird, Christin, Megan and the infamous Peter Gold were so awesome. We did a test run on the low hanging bar, and then we were off!!
I went first.....surprise, I know. I flew up the ladder, was so excited to get up there and get going. When Peter said "HEP!", which was the mark to bunny hop off the platform, the first time I hesitated. I wasn't necessarily're strapped in and can't really get hurt, but it was a different sensation, kind of like the first time you ride a bike without someone holding it. But, on the 2nd time, I was ready to go. It's such a neat feeling, I really can't describe it any other way than flying! On the first pass, you have to swing, then at the end, you tuck your legs up under you and you're hanging by your knees, still holding onto the bar. On the next pass, you let your arms hang and stretch out behind you, then bring your arms back up, untuck your legs, swing front, back, front, tuck, lean backwards, tuck your legs and back flip off. And then it's done....that quick! It was such an awesome feeling to do it - then I wanted to go back up....RIGHT AWAY....and do it again! We all took turns. It was just as much fun to watch the rest of the girls do it for the first time. Dana and Laura were naturals. Danielle got the hang of it really fast, and Kara, well, she surprised us all, we love Kara. She is deathly afraid of much that a household ladder is a bit much for her....but she wanted to do this, and didn't need any convincing otherwise, love her. She was a tad scared at first, but seriously, did she make us all proud. By the end of the night, she was swinging and flying like a spider monkey. :)
We did the basic trick of tucking and landing 3 times, and then it was time for a "catch". Yippee!!! It was the same basic moves, except when we arched out back when we hang from our knees, Jay was there to snatch us from our pole, and take us for another swing towards the "apron" of the net. WHOA!! This was SOOOOOO awesome!!! After he says "Gotcha!" we let our knees go straight, and he pulls us from our swing. We then go back towards the back of the net, and then we push up on his arms, and turn, and try to catch the pole in front of us. Well, I made the catch thing move both times, but turning around and being ready to catch a pole swinging at your face....well, I'll save that for next time. Bummer.
BUT...there will be a next time. We might even have had such a good time that Toni might try then, I know she could do it! :) Seriously, that was so much fun, and something so different to do. It's here until the end of May, and there are tons of times for the classes. We are going to go back, just have to try to coordinate the schedules now!! If anyone wants to join us, let me know - you won't be sorry!!

Yeah, we got some video too. Roll that beautiful bean footage..... :)
This was SO much fun!!! Thanks for planning it and I can't wait until next time!!
Looks incredible!!! When they install the elevator to the top, let me know! :)
Did you sleep last night? Sore at all? I had fun just watching you guys and messing with the buttons on your camera. I hope its ok!
Went to bed after 2am, I think I was still going on the adrenaline rush!! The pics and video turned out awesome - thanks again for coming! Next time, you are FLYING!!!
Wow!! How fun does that look!!
Oh man!!! I'd really never even thought about doing this... but now... I've got to! Looks like so much fun!
Your comment after you let go of the bar with your knees is pretty funny... and so is the part where you don't quite make it back to the bar. Go go gadget arms!!
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