Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thank the Kitty God for Molly!!!

I try to work from home as much as I possibly can. I'm not the biggest fan of my cube, and I don't really know the folks that I work with in the "office" too well, so unless I have a face to face meeting that I must attend, I prefer to work from the comfort of my own place. I DO shower everyday though, for the people that think that isn't necessary, or were questioning! I also might start a little later than the ones that travel TO the office, but I'm online and working almost every minute that I'm awake. Fair trade off I think.

So, when I AM working, Molly really makes everything "work related" (ugh) bearable. It does get a little funny though, when I'm on a con call, and the person on the call goes "Um, do you have a cat there with you?", after Molly decides that she need to meow her input on the topic. She's not quiet about her opinions either!! It really does make me smile, and sometimes giggle, so I really think it's all good. Who doesn't need something to smile about when you are knee deep in awful calls regarding things that you really don't care too much about in the grand scheme of things. Meow away Molly, Meow away!


~Kara~ said...

Little Miss Molly. What a Dolly. She's fierce sometimes too, not many cats head-butt your hand to get your attention when you are not petting consistantly enough...

Brett Bollman said...

Showering is overrated... especially when you're the only one home... and you haven't reached the point of smelling yourself. Other overrated things when working at home: working when the sun is out... making your bed... putting on clothes.

AP - Time for a career change... don't suffer everyday just for a good paycheck!

Kara - Never seen the cat before... I like it!

Annemarie said...

Career change, I'm all for....need an assistant?? :)

loragaige said...

If anything moves an inch outside the dogs go's so fun to try to hit mute as fast as I can. And I sound like a crazy person shushing them!

Mark Brooke Photographers said...

i like your post! it must have been an interesting day.

Annemarie said...

Thanks for the comment, Mark. :) I just noticed you and Camille on Jess' post from the Happy Hour. You guys are too adorable. I'm adding you to my list of photogs that I'll admire from afar. :)

Ha, yeah, can tell by the glazed look over Molly's eyes!!