Tuesday, February 12, 2008


So, I was working from home the other day, and I heard a thump at my door. A new phone book was delivered....you already know how much use I get out of and love them...but I digress.....so, I went and picked it up and brought it inside.

Well, my neighbors....who I know had come and left since the books were dropped off, kept them outside their doors for more than one day.

Now, come on people...I've been known to leave clean clothes in the dryer for a few days, or sometimes the bag of trash sits at the front door a day too long, but seriously.....can you not pick up the book that is outside your door and just bring it inside? I mean, mine sat in the same spot inside my door for a week or so before it went into the trash, but at least I brought it inside.

It bothered me so much that I took a picture of it after it'd been 2 days. Well, shoot...I DID take a picture of it, but now I can't find it.

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